Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sonic Bridge 2

a telematic performance event
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 (8 p.m. CST / 7 p.m. MST / midnight Buenos Aires)

Hundreds of miles of wall and fence stretch along the U.S.-Mexico border, and the U.S. Immigration Policy is going in a different direction now, as the Obama administration moves forward. Performers at Elastic Sound & Vision Gallery will be part of a telematic performance event which will perpendicularly run through the U.S.-Mexico border wall/fence, in conjunction with sound artists and musicians who live in Tucson, Mexico City, Vera Cruz, and Buenos Aires. Artists in these remote locations will interact with each other in real time. Although people have many different opinions about what should be done about the U.S.-Mexico border/fence and the U.S.’ Immigration Policy, it is a good that ideas and sound can travel freely across borders.

at Elastic Sound & Vision Gallery (Chicago)
Amanda Gutierrez -- laptop
Dan Godston -- trumpet & small instruments
Jayve Mongtomery -- saxophone & percussion
Carlos Cumpian -- poetry
Noe Cuellar -- laptop
Wiliwaw -- amplified ukulele
Ian Hatcher

at KAMP (Tucson):
Glenn Weyant -- Kestrel 920
Steev Hise -- electronics & samples
streaming live at

in Mexico City:
Kai Kraatz -- Nordlead
Daniel Lara -- FAT BOX
Antonio Dominguez -- video

in Veracruz:
Ernesto Romero -- laptop

in Buenos Aires:
Buenissimo Collective
Valeria Cammano CaamaƱo
Agustin Genoud
Leonello Zambon
Josefina Zuain
Azucena Losana -- video

Elastic Sound & Vision Gallery
2830 N. Milwaukee Ave., 2nd floor
Chicago, IL
$7 suggested donation

Sonic Bridge 2 happens during the week of Sound Megalopolis, in Mexico City.

Click here to visit the Sonic Bridge blog.

audio from Sonic Bridge 2:
1st segment
2nd segment
3rd segment
4th segment
5th segment
6th segment
7th segment
8th segment
9th segment
10th segment

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